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Checkra1n for Windows 64x / 32x bit Free Jailbreak iOS Device


Download Checkra1n for Windows 64x / 32x bit Free by softwareinjinia 

Hellow my dear friends to day i want to share Iphone Jailbreak tool for free. This tool is working for Window OS 7,8, and 10 Both 32 and 64 bit

How To use this Tool
1.Download ISO image in on link bellow then extract it 
2.Connect an Empty USB drive with PC (must be 4GB and up)
3.Open Rufus Software Available inside zip file
4.Now select USB Drive on Rufus to boot and select ISO image of Bootra1n depend on your PC either 64 or 32 be carefully check your OS and Make a Selection and click start.
5.After complete restart you PC and boot to USB drive then follow instruction

Download checkra1n for windows Pc Free


Checkra1n error tested solution fix

error -71: Use the (USB Safe) option in the boot menu.

Error -77: Remove your passcode or use checkra1n v0.10.2 

Error -78: Exit checkra1n and run it or boot it again

Secure Boot Errors: You can disable Secure Boot in your BIOS settings.

Click follow button on left side 
Thanks for your subscription if u have any question or u want firmware
and u don't see in this site please request on
 WhatsApp +255745778296 and u we get as soon as possible 



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